Written by Chloe Cowan
Operational Manager, Glasgow Clinical Research Facility
July 2020
Glasgow CRF are running the RAPID-19 (Rapid diagnostics, host response and Antibody testing in Paediatric CovID–19) Clinical Trial.
The study aims to assess the seroprevalence of COVID-19 in children of healthcare workers (HCWs) and how this changes over a 6 month period. The findings from this study could be used to inform public health decisions regarding the re-opening of schools and other services vital to the well-being of children (clinicaltrials.gov).
By following children (age 2-16 years) of HCWs we have an opportunity to follow children as they acquire COVID-19 and develop immunity. During this time we will be able assess the performance of antibody tests and rapid diagnostics. Children of HCWs were chosen as they may represent a group at greater likelihood of coming into contact with COVID-19 infection during the current social distancing measures.
Pictured: Senior Research Nurse (Carol) with her two girls (left) and Dental Research Nurse (Clare) with her partner and two boys (right)
Key Questions To Be Answered
- What proportion of children have antibodies to SARS-Cov 2?
- Do those antibodies equate to immunity to future infection?
Safely Recruiting Patients
Glasgow Children’s CRF mobilised a research team to work alongside the Royal Hospital for Children Emergency Department medical team to run study clinics over two days. Recruitment and our first visit took place at the end of May and the response from HCW families was great!
227 kids were recruited, each given a COVID WARRIOR! certificate and we look forward to seeing them back at the ‘8 week visit’ this month.
The team successfully adhered to social distancing guidelines while safely recruiting large numbers of participants. For example staff met study participants in the spacious car-park (often getting cold and wet) and communicated with each other using walkie talkies.
I would also like to thank Glasgow Hospital Children’s Charity Volunteers who helped meet and shepherd the families and provided balloons for the participants.
For more information on the RAPID-19 Clinical Trial, click here.